A David Suzuki Nightmare

Pussy willows

CN 2517

Pair of Northern Flickers

Big Sky

Petro-Canada Silhouette

Red Maple Leaves

Downy on Yarrow

Spring blossoms (Image 3)

Eurasian Wigeon in central Alberta

The Essence of Hermitage Park (Image 6)

Petro Canada Flare

Jumping Spider

Petro Canada Flare

Pussy Willows

My view from Kal Tire this morning.

Black Bird

Maple, Subdivision on the Edge of Edmonton

My view from Kal Tire this morning.

North Saskatchewan River Looking Northeast

The Quarry Golf Course

Sunridge is closed for today...

Just a Barn

Aurora Driveway

Angry Bull Aurora

Moon and Aurora

Aurora Borealis

First Snow

Falling barn

Le temps des semences

Strathcona Barn

Le 31 décembre

# 4

Great Spangled Fritillaries - Speyeria cybele (Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae, Argynnini) 107g-1801

Our Industry 329-365

Woodbridge, Sherwood Park

"Listen to yourself"

Hermitage Park

Aurora Satellite

Fall Sunset, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Female Variable Darner - Aeshna interrupta lineata (Aeshnidae) 105d-2182