Hiking in the Tucson Mts

View west from north end of Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona.

View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

Sundown at Pusch Ridge

The house in the clouds. Tucson, Arizona.

Sonoran Desert Sky Show

Day-11: Biosphere2_4697d

Nice mountain view

the silent view

Behind Blue Eyes

I Will Remain Forever

Classic Romance

View north toward Oracle from East Ski Run Road. Mt. Lemmon, Arizona.

Kiss from a Rose

Holiday 2011 20 - Eye of the Sky

Class of 1997

High in the mountain desert on a big 9.3 mile hike today. Views to amazing to capture, but here's a little try. #tortalitamountains #Arizona #hiking #nature #motherearth #wildkatuahhealingarts #wilderness

Pusch Ridge from Saguaro Ranch

Westward Look Resort

View from the Sutherland Trail 4

Southern Arizona Championship 2015 1375

Morning School Commute w/Awesome Wispy Clouds

Old Sunset

Saguaro Sunset

Finger Rock Trail

Wilderness of Rocks #mountlemmon #arizona #instagramaz

Catalina Mountains

Late afternoon light on the Santa Catalina Mountains from the Westin La Paloma Resort. Tucson, Arizona.

we made it a little further

Saguaro Moon

Caribbean Paradise

Between rain showers the sun peeked out

mind where you step

Catalinas from the 50 Year Trail

Finger Rock Trail - Tucson, Arizona

Ventana Canyon

Ocotillo Fence

Sunset is an event in Arizona

Mixed Clouds

#RomeroCanyon Trailhead....#arizona #instagramaz #instaaz #orovalley