Boeger Winery sunset view

Apple Hill in the Rear View Mirror

Jenkinson Lake at blue hour

Jenkinson Lake at sunset

Jenkinson Lake before sunset

Jenkinson Lake at blue hour

Jenkinson Lake at daytime

#HappyHolidays #HappyThanksGiving

Day 945: ElDorado_9950d

Jenkinson Lake at night

Morning Mist

Outside the barn

Road to the Clouds

Robinson's Pharmacy

Sunset Vineyard

Trail of Stars

Oct-11-Apple Hill-4ps

River View

Cabin - River

Bending the eye bolt

El Dorado Western machine shop

Stormy Sunset in Pleasant Valley

A River Runs Through It

Calm Waters

Hell in our backyard

Boeger Winery in the Fall

Sweet Peas and the Coming of Summer

Rock Creek, El Dorado Co

Apple Hill

D'Agostini Reservoir

snowy day

Busby's Barn

Protected by the shadows

North Fork Flow