Golden Skyway

The Liberty Bell Mountain, North Cascades Highway

Blue Lake, tamarack, Cutthroat Pk

Larch and Cutthroat Peak

Wife enjoys sun among the larch

Snow and avalanches bury the highway in the Liberty Bell avalanche zone

Arch tree~Blue Lake~Cascades

Tamarack reflected Blue Lake

Wife waiting my return - thanks.

Circumnavigating Blue Lake

The view from Liberty Bell 3 towards Liberty Bell 1 and 2

A nice view of the hairpin curve from the Liberty Bell avalanche zone

Avalanches on SR 20 below Liberty Bell

Avalanches on SR 20 below Liberty Bell

Green View Lake - 04

Green View Lake - 08

Liberty Bell Peaks

Washington Pass, North Cascades National Park

Green View Lake - 20

North Cascade Highway

Looking Towards Logan

Ice Dance

liberty bell, milky way. north cascades. washington.

maple loop pass. north cascades. washington.

liberty bell. northern cascades. washington. Happy earth day.

North Cascades Highway near Washington Pass

North Cascades Highway near Washington Pass

As They Grow

North Cascades Highway near Washington Pass

Summit dogs

River & Rocks

kangaroo spires - washington pass

Mount McGregor seen from PCT between Tumwater and Bridge Creek_03232017

Black Peak in color

looks a bit chilly

North Cascades Highway