Train 60027 @ Rupperswil

Train 62137 @ Rupperswil

SBB Lok 11352 Re 4/4 lll

Parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt"

Steel work

View from Gislifluh

SBB Cargo Re 620

SBB Cargo Lok 420 346-9

merry x-mas

View towards Döttingen

The view from a piece of singletrack just before Baden.

Kind of a view...kind of :)

The sinking musicians from Akua

Zoomed view from castle Stein on the old city of Baden in canton Aargau in Switzerland!

SBB Lok 11616 Re 6/6 Illnau-Effretikon

3x Re 4/4 ll

View towards Waldshut

Crossrail Lokomotiven

A View from Heaven on Baden

Baden / Switzerland

Crossrail 185590-7

Green Fields

the cherry tree


cityscape, Wettingen-09723


Birkinger Wasserfall

Deux livrées pour une loco

SBB Cargo Re 4/4 III 11364 Kerosinzug, Frick

Autum at the River Aare

If it's magic...

Wandering in the winter light

Brugg - The city where I live

cityscape, Wettingen-09567

Elfingen, Switzerland

Lauchringen - Best of 2017

Sweetness tree

Cry me a river.......


Lauchringen - Best of 2017

Zauber der Natur

Lauchringen - Best of 2017