In the forest

October’s golden charm

Daybreak Above The Fog

View from Aare Bridge, Brugg

Morning Haze

Seetal vom Eichberg


Waldshut Tiengen Rhine Leibstadt Germany Switzerland border Swiss Alps

Blick über den Rhein in die Schweiz

Dressed in autumn colours

Mikado 141R: Full view and me (2/3)

window seat Klingnau Aare Switzerland

River Rhine with Waldshut & KKW Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Switzerland / Germany

morning view from the living room

Landini L25

River Rhine with Waldshut & KKW Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Switzerland / Germany

Brugg: oil box 1 (2/2)

River Rhine with Waldshut & KKW Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Switzerland / Germany border

GmP with steam: wider view (2/2)

Chrysler Windsor Jg.1947

SBB Cargo Lok 420 346-9


Autum at the River Aare

field of dreams

Suns break through

Die Aare zwischen dem Klingnauer Stausee und dem Zufluss in den Rhein

vitis and cityscape 14.)1910-6203

vineyards and cities 5.)1910-6192

Regensberg Kanton Zürich

Herbst Weinreben 13.)1910-6202

autumn 16.)1910-6205

Herbst Weinreben 8.)1910-6196

Autumn - Herbst

Autumn - Herbst

Autumn weather

First & Last Sunlight Of The Day

Automne naissant

???????? Westbound freight @ Zeihen

Winter Day

???????? Train 60136 @ Zeihen

cityscape, Wettingen-09567