Cloudy weather at Serena hotel

beautiful view after sunset in Quetta valley

A warm welcome...

Sun Setting in Quetta

The Supper Moon in Quetta

Quetta valley after sunset

The Supper Moon in Quetta

Room with a view at Serena Quetta

Dashboard view

On the way to Quetta

night view of serena hotel

Quetta city

rainy view

water drops view

night view of Maki Masjeed airport road Quetta

Arts Exhibition held at Shaal Arts Gallery

Arts Exhibition held at Shaal Arts Gallery

Arts Exhibition held at Shaal Arts Gallery

night view of Trafic at National Highway Chaman road Quetta

Balochistan Sports Festival 2016

Arts Exhibition held at Shaal Arts Gallery

Hannah Lake

Hannah Lake HDR

Hannah Lake Quetta

Quetta hills

Oriental Skylark

A night view of Quetta serve 144 street

Achillea santolina

This bird is called roller

Rust Iris

Wali Thangi Dam

Trees n Peaks