223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0005

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0012

TrackHead Studios - On Target

TrackHead Studios - South Carolina

Rear View

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0025

tree frog on screen

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0024

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

Springtime in the Swamp: Water

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0023

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0001

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0016

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0010

Place marker using my S-XP [the other riders are in front of me]

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0018

Friday Sunrises are best

Marsh Cut

New River Paddling-92

New River Paddling-38

New River Paddling-73

July22 (14 of 115)


Approaching the Railroad Trestle

From this morning after the mist began to clear.


Quercus morning

Bridge to Gatorville


The Bird's Watching Me

Cypress Tree and Clouds from Beryl

Winter in the Refuge...

Becks Ferry Landing, 1_2, 11/26/09, Jasper County SC


New River Paddling-4

Harkeye #redshoulderedhawk #raptor