Exploring at Barlow’s Landing

Killing Time

Dinner Train at Monk's

Santa Fe's Cape Cod Subdivision

Monument Beach Re-edit

Nobska Light - Cape Cod - Massachusetts

Dinner With a View

Fisheye View

Methodist Trinity Church

Frozen Falmouth Freight

Fine Dining

Sunday Morning

Nobska Light, overlooking Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, USA

Take Me To The River

Eel Pond Sunrise

fishing path

Inkwell Beach - Martha's Vineyard

Eel Pond

Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, MA

U. S. Post Office 1:15 PM

Leaving Martha's Vineyard

Only he and the sun were missing.

Stormy, blustery, wind driven chop.

Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, Massachussetts

Sunrise from the Jetty at New Silver Beach, Falmouth MA

"Poetry at Nobska Point"

Nobska Point Light.

Entrance to abandoned movie theater, with abandoned hoodie and coffee cups, Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, August 13, 2015

Dock Pilings

Street Scene with Dog and Mountain Dew bottle, Martha's Vineyard, August 13, 2015

Morning light from Nobska Beach

Grasshopper Sparrow

Woods Hole 11

Knob Hill

Heavy surf at Oaks Bluff

Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod

Falmouth Heights Beach

Windy day on Cape Cod

Old Silver Beach :: 4:26 p.m.

Almost there....

Vineyard Ferry