Fisheye View

Arrival in Falmouth on Cape Cod

Nobska Light - Cape Cod - Massachusetts

Take Me To The River

fishing path

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

Eel Pond Sunrise

Picked Clean

Nobska Light TTV

Cinema Paradiso

A Little Champagne, and Life would be Perfect!

Winter View

I'll Follow You

early morning on Eel River

Methodist Trinity Church

Grasshopper Sparrow

Red Brook Harbor, Cataumet

Aahhh...this view! #capecod

the old Sea View Hotel

dirt-colored seed bug nymph

Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, Massachussetts

Vineyard Ferry

Church St.

Ice Cold Splash

Wild Harbor

Vineyard Mornings

i can see for miles. . . . .

Fiddler's Cove

Happy Holidays! #capecod

Woods Hole 11

Leaving OB #TWMV

Cape Cod Winter

November Storm

The Knob: New Year's Eve

Only he and the sun were missing.

Grasshopper Sparrow

Stormy, blustery, wind driven chop.

South Cape Beach, Mashpee, Cape Cod

Woods Hole #8

Majesty in the Noon day Sun

Bournes Pond Inlet