Eastern Kingbird

Cedar Waxwing

Tree Swallow

Red-Tailed Hawk

The Lost Egg

Savannah Sparrow

Northern Rough-Winged Swallow

American Robin(male)

American Tree Sparrow

Wood Duck (male)

House Finch

Bufflehead Duck (male and 2 females)

Black-Capped Chickadee

Cedar waxwing

European Starling

Tree Swallow, bird on bird action

Common Grackle (male)

Snapping Turtle

Hairy Woodpecker

Northern Cardinal

House Sparrow

Waiting for you

Seneca Lake

Empezando 2010

.: Dried out :.

The Galaxy of Yolky Way

Let it snow

Seneca King

Icy Grass istock contribution

Sheppard's Bush

Ornamental Grass

Mckenzie Marsh

Alone in the Fog

Play Misty for me

Find me

County Fields - 2nd Concession looking east

Late Autumn in the Marsh

We are watching you

Stormy evening

Kettleby, Ontario

Quiet Pond

Time to greet the weekend