Empezando 2010

Cedar waxwing

Hooded merganser

American yellow warbler

Northern Cardinal

American mink

Eastern phoebe

House Finch couple, playing house

Yellow-rumped warbler

Mallard Duck Mom and newborn ducklings

Bench's Point of View

American yellow warbler

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Turkey vulture

Red-winged blackbird, female

Spotted sandpiper

Tree Swallow

European starling

Northern rough-winged swallow, bird fight!

Baltimore oriole

Black-Capped Chickadee

Sheppard's Bush

Ornamental Grass

Mckenzie Marsh

County Fields - 2nd Concession looking east

Play Misty for me

Sheppard's Bush

Kettleby, Ontario

Rural vs Urban

.: Dried out :.

Stormy evening

Sky opens up

Quiet Pond

Time to greet the weekend

Aurora, Ontario

Early Morning Sun

Blazing forest

Red berries & field

East Holland River

Corn field just after a rain

Glorious Days Of Autumn