The Rainbow of Life

Northern Shoveler

Refuge landscape

View looking West from Sacramento NWR

Red-tailed Hawk - Juvenile - 8881

Delevan National Wildlife Refuge, Ca.

05•52 • I am predator...

The Observation Tower

Sac_NWR Duck hunting Blind

Delevan, Ca.

White-Faced Ibis

Ross and Snow Geese

Red-tailed Hawk - Juvenile - 8879

CA Trip Day 11: Blue Green Blue Green Blue, with Birds

CA Trip Day 11: Some Stand, Some Fly

CA Trip Day 11: Li'l Dark Water Birds

CA Trip Day 11: Black-Tailed Jackrabbit

Sacramento NWR Views #4

View looking West from Sacramento NWR

Interstate 5 Northbound Glenn Valley Freeway approaching 1/2 mile to Exit 595 - Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Next Exit Viewing Point with this roadside sign located at Glenn County, California.

'clear view'

Sacramento Wildlife Refuge

Sacramento Wildlife Refuge

Rice Field Sunset

Morning Sun.IMGP9492

Specks,Pintail and Mallards-SNWR,Willows,Ca.

spring hills

SNWR- Willows,CA.

Sacramento Wildlife Refuge

Northern Pintail Taking Flight near Gaggle of Greater White-fronted Geese

Flight of specks

Before sunset 12-30-10

#hike2 #52HikeChallenge #hiking #GrayLodge #nature #outdoors

Dog-head Butterfly

Western Meadowlark

Rice fields

Sacramento Wildlife Refuge

The Sutter Buttes