Slender Baskettail (male)- Conner Preserve

SX-70 Alpha 1 fail?

SX-70 New Film

Florida Storms

Florida Storms

Stereo 3D Loreo Bike

Chevy Camaro

Odessa Sunset Through Bathroom Windows


Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Red Saddlebags (male)- Conner Preserve

Red-shouldered Hawk- Wesley Chapel, Florida

Brown Anole, Cypress Creek Preserve

Roseate Skimmer (immature male)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Ferrari 328 GTS

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

1984 Lotus Esprit Turbo

The Old Railroad

Mint 2 Flash Finally Got It Right With SX-70 Alpha 1

HDR Sunrise In Lutz

1984 Lotus Esprit Turbo

John Deere Tractor, Land of Lakes Blvd, Land of Lakes, FL

Sunrise over the lake

Florida Storms

Carl Bax

Hooked on a Feeling

Golden-winged Skimmer (male)- Conner Preserve

PHSC Pasco Hernando State College Porter Campus Wiregrass

PHSC Pasco Hernando State College Porter Campus Wiregrass

sea of golden brown

Sunset in Flatwoods

06102013 Storm

Farm living

A good night for haunting.

Eastern Meadowlark, Conner Preserve

Golden Morning

Let the sun shine

Starry Tree Line

Carl Bax

Florida Mesic Hammock Forest 3