The Old Railroad

HDR Sunrise In Lutz

Slender Baskettail (male)- Conner Preserve

Red Saddlebags (male)- Conner Preserve

Florida Storms

Tri Colored Heron Up Close And Personal

This Ain't Pretty

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

Tampa Sunset

Stereo 3D Loreo Bike

Florida Storms

Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

My View.


Sunset view from Ben T Davis


Red-shouldered Hawk- Wesley Chapel, Florida

Skull the 2nd another view

Irish fruit brack (side view)

Odessa Sunset Through Bathroom Windows

St. Timothy Catholic Church

06102013 Storm

A good night for haunting.

Sunrise over the lake

Wow nice location to have #PascoPetFest


Golden Morning

My Life Through a Lens ~ Book 2 | 61/365 - "Crossing" (Alternate)

Starry Tree Line

Picture 274

Farm living

Sunset in Flatwoods

Hooked on a Feeling

Golden-winged Skimmer (male)- Conner Preserve

Let the sun shine

Carl Bax

Corporate America

No time for the Links. Off to work

D5000 on a Home Made Pano Head

Tampa, Florida

My two greatest loves.