Stormy Rail

@45 mph into a tunnel... colonial parkway virginia

there's a light at the end of this tunnel... for you!

Historic puzzle

View from Our Table @ The Surry Seafood Company - Surry, VA

Looking For Dad

The Coleman Bridge viewed from a different angle

Chowning's Tavern 2

Pedestrian Tunnel, Williamsburg – (HDR – Blended)

. . . and the sun sets on 2009

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.” ― W. Hodding Carter II (Explored)

Morning view

In the trees

Governor's Palace Gate

November Afternoon, Williamsburg

M Dubois Grocer

YIP - Jan. 24, 2009

Sunset at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Virginia Snake Rail Fence in Williamsburg

Lake Reflection

Recalling Fall, Fondly