Stormy Rail

@45 mph into a tunnel... colonial parkway virginia

Ms. Kitty

Low tide

Cypress Shore

anyone.... can anyone offer a hand to her ;-)

Another Foggy Morning - YIP - Nov. 9, 2009

Looking For Dad

Male Northern Cardinal Portraits

. . . and the sun sets on 2009

there's a light at the end of this tunnel... for you!

Pedestrian Tunnel, Williamsburg – (HDR – Blended)

Another View of the Golf Course

Chowning's Tavern 2

Morning view

Williamsburg Courthouse - Fall

let's take a break... care for some ice cream!

November Afternoon, Williamsburg

Raleigh Tavern & Christmas Wreaths

Great Blue Skimmer front view

YIP - Jan. 24, 2009

Twilight on a Friday night

31 | 2010

Winter Tree

Cobham Bay Sunset

Revolutionary city, Williamsburg, VA

Been sitting in 4 hours of traffic... Not even at the beach yet...

Maze / Colonial Williamsburg

Lake Matoaka (Explore)

Landing -- Double-crested Cormorants

The Parkway.

gloucester point, va

Great Blue Skimmer

Saturday at Mill Creek

Image created with #Snapseed

Kingsmill marina on the James River

croaker, va

Neighborhood 028

Colonial Parkway

Under the Bridge