grays harbor mudflat

fog line across the bay

Flying High

Grays Harbor Low Tide . 7

Ocean Shores, Washington

Jelly On The Beach

Early Ocean Morning

The view from bed.

The Sun Is Setting.....

View from room

Ocean Shores

Sunset At The Ocean

Cold Turkey

Into The Fire

Grays Harbor05PA - Painting

Bee Bizz

_DSC4639 View from the Bridge

Grays Harbor04 - Painting

Another Cool Lookin' Critter!

Nice View!

Jetty Rocks from Damon Point toward the mouth of Grays Harbor, WA

One Bench

What Does It Mean?!!!

Evening Light, Ocean Shores

Ocean Shores WA morning sun

Damon Point

Early Ocean Evening

Ocean Shores, Washington.

Forrest Stream

Ocean Shores, Washington.

Ocean Shores, Washington.

Ocean Shores, Washington.

Ocean Shores, Washington.

Ocean Shores, Washington.

moon island

Ocean shores WA.

not so close

Eagle Love In The Morning

here comes the fog
