grays harbor mudflat

fog line across the bay

El Camino 1960

Grays Harbor Low Tide . 7

IMG_1937 Bottle Beach Sandpipers

Old Railroad Bridge - Aberdeen, WA

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (62 of 63)

pigeons ledge

Rocky Pizz(a)!?

Firehouse Number Five

"Tent Sale"

Window into the fog

Viewing tower

View from room 1509, Delta Suites, Van. B.C.

Grays Harbor05PA - Painting

_DSC4639 View from the Bridge

Grays Harbor04 - Painting

Big Red

Grays Harbor and paper

Grays Harbor 03 - Painting

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (61 of 63)

Hail. Hoquiam, WA

Underneath The Bridge, Top Has Sprung A Leak

moon island

not so close

here comes the fog

Moon island

never enough mi


M I sunset

Aberdeen WA . Bridge

Lunchtime in The Twin Harbors

Grays Harbor

05042013 027a Marsh Wren - Cistothorus palustris

sunset at Grays Harbor

Sunset at Bottle Beach State Park

Aberdeen Bridge

No Kinda Houseboat

Bowerman Sunset looking west