“Die when I may, I want it said by those who knew me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow.” Abraham Lincoln

WinterStorm2010_30Jan2010 001

New (yes, another) office view. Just moved in. Gonna need a bigger fan...

KitchenDiningReno_26Apr2009_ 001

12th Street Bridge- Side view of Deck

12th Street Bridge-Deck View

Fog filling the valley South of LegalShield.


FebSnow_11Feb2010 031

Horses in Ada, OK 2014-03-16 12.16.13

Winter Abyss (Color)

Looking south from the 7th floor stairwell at LegalShield.

Winter Abyss (B&W)

JulyCookout_16July2010 003

JulyCookout_16July2010 001

Egypt Cemetery (06)