A typical winter view at the end of 2010

Jump in the dust

Green summer view

Take a walk on the wild side.

The gate that leads to 2011 - Very Happy New Year

View from La Cure at sunset

View from La Cure at mid-day

beautiful technique house (093☺05)

Misty wood

Mont Roland, Dole 39100 "2014"

frost eruption

Chaugey, France

La Saône


Et au fond du champ... une ferme

the old fisherman

Mont Roland, Dole 39100 "2014"

Mont Roland, Dole 39100 "2014"

Mont Roland, Dole 39100 "2014"

Saône en crue 12/2012

Mont Roland, Dole 39100 "2014"

Camino 2012

20070906 14716 0713 Jakobus Wald Weg

Some days before Christmas, looking for Santa Claus - Father Cristmas

En bord de Saône

20070905 14228 0712 Jakobus Bäume Ackerschorle braun

20070905 14235 0712 Jakobus Weg Weite Wolken blau weiß

20070905 14297 0712 Jakobus Mont Roland Weg Mauer Licht Schatten

violet pourpre