Our evening view last night. #wattsbarlake #Tennessee

Joe Davis' Railroad Collection

Joe Davis' Railroad Collection

Kingston Fossil Plant

Joe Davis' Railroad Collection

barn view

Fall Crape Myrtle

Night view of the farm

Roane County, TN Courthouse - Kingston, TN

So you're a UT Vols fan with a big yard...

Kingston Fossil Plant, Watts Bar Reservoir, Roane County, Tennessee

Rolling Farmland

Cows in the Country

2012-05-24 21.03.56

lakeside sunset

2012-05-24 21.20.11_001

Sweetwater TN

Main channel outside of entrance to Blue Springs. Beautiful.

Caney Ford Bridge

Fire pit

Storm on the Lake

From the Farm # something

Perfect weather all week and what a perfect ending - a beautiful sunset. #wbl #vacation

antique field & barn

Tree shadow

hay barn

From the Farm 3

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2012-05-24 21.08.16

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