My Backyard

They Call the Wind Miriah

Winter Day at The Lake 02-10-14

The Look

Blue Morph Snow x Ross's Goose Hybrid, Featherbead Lane WMA, 3/24/13

05 076

Yellow-headed Blackbird, Featherbed Lane WMA, NJ 3/24/13

One of These Things is not Like the Others

Ruddy Duck

Tufted Duck, Parvin State Park, Thundergust Lake, Pittsgrove, NJ 3/23/13

Mute Swan Charge 2

Tufted Duck

Day 49/365

Yellow-headed Blackbird, Featherbed Lane WMA, NJ 3/24/13

Ruddy Duck

Yellow-headed Blackbird (2nd bird barely visible, bottom left)

Red-necked Grebe

the view from my front door

Tufted Duck

Cattle Egret

View of docks and sun on the water

Standing Out

The Meadow

Southern New Jersey ~ Where The Skies Are Truest of Blue & The Grass Is Green As Could Be <3

Hay Bales 07-23-14

#clouds #cornfield #fall #landscape

#clouds #landscape


Returning to Nature

As The Sun Touches The Ground ~ The Spirit Sings With The Sound...

~South Jersey Farm Life~

~When The Sunset Steals Your Heart~

One Tree Summer

Camera Roll-273

~Early Snowfall Is Some of The Best of It All~

Ceres Park

#clouds #landscape #farm

Tiger Lilies outside the Elmer Swim Club

Blue Lake Garrison

#clouds #landscape

Malaga Lake