Le Conte's Sparrow

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Le Conte's Sparrow

Lesser Black-backed Gull

06/27/2009 | Phoenix Golf Links

Scioto-Darby Road Bridge, creek view, Pickaway County, Ohio

Le Conte's habitat shot.

Ring-billed, Herring and 1 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Columbus, Ohio (4 of 4)

Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum)

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)

Orient Bridge, left side view, Pickaway County, OH

Praying Mantis

Red Farm House #1

Red Farm House #2

Northern Harrier, male

Donuts in Treasure Box

Horned Grebe

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) & Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)

Glaucous, Lesser Black-backed, Herring and Ring-billed Gulls

Interurban on Broadway

Mail Pouch

CSX Orient, Ohio

Searching for bison.

Sept Storm 2

silent witnesses

peeking through

God's Light

Port-O-John 2OH8

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Bases loaded. Full count. Kyle nails it for two RBIs!

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Year 3 2009-06-16 (e)


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