Mountain View

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Shroom Abstract

Greyhound 6909 Colfax (MCI 102DL3)

Iowa Hill Bridge at North Fork American River

Greyhound Colfax (MCI 102DL3)

Greyhound 6909 Colfax (MCI 102DL3)

Curves of Steel

eX Wives Club 0122

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Rounding Cape Horn Promontory

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Train on Cape Horn Promontory 9954

Sutter Buttes

Before the Rain

View from the front of the Cottage

North Fork American River

Greyhound 86316 dashboard/driver's compartment (MCI D4505)

Pelton Wheel

Greyhound 86316 cab (MCI D4505)

From Foresthill on my ride

Walking out on a Spring Day

Morning Along the Bear River

Canyon Creek Falls

Campbell Creek Cascade

Devil's Falls (Smooth)

Friend fun at the lake

Devil's Falls (Grunge)

Iowa Hill loop


SP 6023 & 2 more w/the San Francisco Overland

Iowa Hill Road, Calif.

Falling Away

Yankee Jim's Waterfall

A Morning Walk at Empire Mine (HFF)


Seasonal Waterfall

Trees along the trail

It's going to be a great day