Yantic Falls #2

Paint It Red

Holding the Main

east great plain ladder 5 (view 2)

Eunice Edgerton Huntington Strong in Mourning, Albumen Carte de Visite, Circa 1862

The Murray Building, Willimantic, CT

east great plain engine 2 (view 2)

Church and State

Lines and Angles

Enjoying the view

franklin tanker 125 (view 3)

In the woods of Lisbon

franklin engine tank 225 (view 2)

franklin rescue 125 (view 2)

franklin hose tender 125 (view 2)

franklin hose tender 125 (view 3)

franklin tanker 125 (view 2)

franklin medic 525 (view 2)

lyme brush 24 (view 3)

lebanon ladder 106 (view 3)

ansonia RMS medic 9 (view 2)

Fantastic Yantic Falls

Foamy Antics on the Yantic

Navigating Norwich

Dam Waterfall

Yantic Falls, Norwich, CT

Look Before You Leap

Navigating through Norwich

Evening Glow

Yantic Falls Panoramic

Yantic Falls

Yantic Falls

Salt Rock State Park (Sprague, Connecticut)

Color pop

Lebanon’s Revolutionary Green

Ponemah Mills (Norwich, Connecticut)

Light engines

Ponemah Mills (Norwich, Connecticut)

Willimantic River

Hanover, Connecticut

Reflecting on Heaven

July 15 2013 sunset