Lines and Angles

Enjoying the view

Eunice Edgerton Huntington Strong in Mourning, Albumen Carte de Visite, Circa 1862

In the woods of Lisbon

Always grateful for a river view... 2016-02-02 #365grateful #riverside #riverside #wanderlust #doyoutravel #ontheroadagain #traveling #jj_blackwhite #blackandwhite #monochrome

Peace View

The view from my back door as I was heading back into work this morning. I have to say it was awful darned pretty; I would have grabbed the Nikon but I didn't want to be late and with that view I definitely would have been!

Norwich Fireworks 66

Same day - same view - a lot less bleak!

Norwich Fireworks 39

#TopFloor #Penthouse #Sunrise #View from my room...#Blessed #Tourlife #StillIRise

Norwich Fireworks 27

Norwich Fireworks 64

Norwich Fireworks 65

Norwich Fireworks 01

Norwich Fireworks 28

Norwich Fireworks 22

Norwich Fireworks 17

The view into work


My view for the day from Susan's side of the room. Pretty bleak, pretty bleak indeed.

Color pop

Foamy Antics on the Yantic

Fantastic Yantic Falls

Navigating Norwich

Dam Waterfall

Look Before You Leap

Digging in the Archives

Yantic Falls

Digging in the Archives

Indian Leap

Shetucket Causeway

2009-06-29 16:52:25 -0400

Yantic Falls, lower, Helios

Yantic 3

Antics River

P&W in Preston


Ashland Pond Dam #4

Ashland Pond Dam #3

July 15 2013 sunset

Sunrise MGM