Frozen foods (Muscle Shoals Publix)

Over the Tennessee in Florence

One last exterior view of the Florence AL Publix

Ship for free

Deliver us (Kmart 7045)

Muscle Shoals Kmart closing crowd

Bonus view of frozen foods (before we even see the first views)!

Additional view of aisle 1

Somewhat blurry view of the edge of "seasonaltronics"

Back left corner (70's, 80's & 90's paint relics -- all in one shot)!

Cannot take checks

Canned and international items on aisle 3

Even more photos from the next to last day at the Msucle Shoals Kmart

Furniture, July 2017 view

Muscle Shoals Kmart closing bargains, just prior to July 4, 2017

Pharmacy (consultation area?)

Muscle Shoals Kmart - parking lot view of the nearby Publix

Game Stop - Payless - Kay Jewelers

Need cash now?? We feel you here at Kmart!

Bottled water

Blurry health & beauty overview

Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa

The Tennessee River

The O'Neal Bridge over the Tennessee River

The Tennessee River

The O'Neal Bridge over the Tennessee River

Quad @ UNA

Water Fall Jan-08-2010

NS Train 23N

Wilson Dam

Early Morning sunrise

2016 July 18 Storm Clouds

Fire in the sky sunset

NS Local A82

Trail at Muscle Shoals Preserve

The Old Railroad Bridge View #6 Old Pivot Piers - Florence, AL

Ground Hog

Cold Water Falls - Tuscumbia, AL

Golden Sunset

Old #Railroad #Bridge, #Tennessee #River, #Sheffield, #Alabama, ii - hpsw

Historical house, 109 Park Boulevard, Sheffield, AL - h

UNA #Lion - Frank Fleming #statue - v