Deliver us (Kmart 7045)

The Old Railroad Bridge View #6 Pedestrain walkway - Florence, AL

Back left corner (70's, 80's & 90's paint relics -- all in one shot)!

Cannot take checks

Muscle Shoals Kmart - parking lot view of the nearby Publix

Somewhat blurry view of the edge of "seasonaltronics"

Furniture, July 2017 view

Muscle Shoals Kmart closing crowd

Game Stop - Payless - Kay Jewelers

Aisle 1

JCPenney (mall entrance)

Front overview

Muscle Shoals AL Kmart, exterior long view

Florence Mall, front (super-wide!) overview

Florence AL Publix - aisle 12-oriented view down the back left end

Another view of the Good Friday crowd

Need cash now?? We feel you here at Kmart!

Florence Alabama Publix (and BAM! to the right)

Forks of Cypress remains

Another view down the front actionway

Publix/BAM!/Hibbett Sports overview

The Tennessee River

Florence, Alabama

Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa

2016 June 22 Sunset

2016 June 22 Sunset

Sunset on the Tennessee River

2016 June 22 Sunset

Deibert Park Walk October 26 2012 - 019

The O'Neal Bridge over the Tennessee River

Deibert Park Walk October 26 2012 - 024

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field

Deibert Park Walk October 26 2012 - 022

A firey sky

2010-04-24 17.28.01

Deibert Park Walk October 26 2012 - 017

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field

2010-04-24 15.21.36

2014 October 10 Turkey Vulture Eating in field