Nebbia alle Morette

Un terribile segreto / A terrible secret (Guardate il video!!!) (Pisa, Tuscany, Italy)

Vinci, view of Tuscany

Self Portrait

Geometric Shapes

Tuscany's North View from Vinci

Tuscany's South View from Vinci

Looking To The Future

Map of Tuscany

08-06-23 Vinci, Piazza Guidi - equirectangular enfused (2088x1044)


un giorno di luce

Ultimi raggi di Sole.............

Squaring The Circle

My favorite yachting club

High Dynamic Tuscany | The Last Minute Sun

Warm Autumn

Squaring The Circle By Night


So the new year has dawned on us

San Miniato

My Lines

Rullino foto-3291

Hiding the Tractor

Rullino foto-3292

Toscana / Tuscany / Toscânia - EXPLORE August 15, 2012 #86

Road to Nowhere...

Gr. 640 121---La Signorina si sgranchisce le bielle!

Under the Tuscan sky

E189.993 InRail


E444.023 - Autoslaap di ritorno


Che dio me la mandi bona, e magari pure bionda #fish #angler #carp #fox #bestone #starbite #bigfish #lake

Pendolino al tramonto

Tramonto ai Partini di Toiano - Sunset near Toiano (partini)

Italy // Tuscany // A Village called VINCI (Home of Leonardo da Vinci)

Un filo d'erba al vento

Ortimino e dintorni 2.3.2014 (g8)
