
Nebbia alle Morette

Un terribile segreto / A terrible secret (Guardate il video!!!) (Pisa, Tuscany, Italy)

Ultimi raggi di Sole.............

Squaring The Circle

Vinci, view of Tuscany

My favorite yachting club

Something wrong in the garage

Warm Autumn

Squaring The Circle By Night


San Miniato

Self Portrait

My Sweet Giulia

Creepy Snow

Blick von / View from "Piazzale Michelangelo"

Geometric Shapes

The view on the vineyards from Vinci Castle, partly transformed into Leonardo da Vinci's Ideal Museum, full of a selection of his best inventions. #tiscany #vinci #visittuscany #visititaly #italy #vineyards

View from our window

Panoramic view on Serchio river #lucchesi #serchio #panorama #lucca #visit-lucca

Tuscany's North View from Vinci

My Lines

Rullino foto-3291



Un filo d'erba al vento

Hiding the Tractor


Rullino foto-3292




E656.082 - Il ritorno dell'Autoslaap

Gr. 640 121---La Signorina si sgranchisce le bielle!

Le spighe d'oro


Life on Mars

Italian New England

Tramonto al campo

così era

In the mirror

L'estate in Gennaio