Oberly Rd. , Alpha N.J. where i viewed comet Neowise. Have also viewed Comet Hale Bopp and Holmes.

Tseela 11-25-2011

Ralph Stover State Park - View of Tohickon Creek

Abandoned View

waiting for the big one - a bird's-eye view (not stained glass)

Ralph Stover State Park - View From Argillite Overlook

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Step

Stover Myers Mill

Western Tanager

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) male - Pennsylvania

Room For One More

plant bug (Tropidosteptes cardinalis)

High Falls in Gold

mischief 2009

Storm Clouds Building at High Rocks Vista

High Falls Creek

syrphid fly (Mallota posticata)

Broad-winged Tree Cricket (Oecanthus latipennis)

Musconetcong River

Requiem for a Dam

Ralph Stover State Park

Ralph Stover State Park - Tohickon Creek

"Autumn in Bucks County: Tinicum Park"

Tohickon Creek

No. It's not my driveway.

Tohickon Creek flow



Pittstown Station (Lehigh Valley)

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

Tohickon Creek with rapids and circular eddies

October's flow (EXPLORED)

Delaware at Durham

Lake Nockamixon

High Falls [07.06.19]

Ringing Rocks Park

Ringing Rocks-2

Ringing Rocks Park

Boarshead Road

Lake Nockamixon

Lake Nockamixon