waiting for the big one - a bird's-eye view (not stained glass)

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Step

Ralph Stover State Park - View From Argillite Overlook

Water Bill

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) male - Pennsylvania

High Falls in Gold

plant bug (Tropidosteptes cardinalis)

Room For One More

Storm Clouds Building at High Rocks Vista

Muskie Mergansers

High Falls Creek

Musconetcong Valley - Haiku

syrphid fly (Mallota posticata)

Brown Pelican (Atlantic), Nockamixon SP - Marina, Bucks County, PA, Sony HX400V, Aug 9, 2018

Savannah Sparrow

Requiem for a Dam

Pollen Bee

"Gambel's" White-crowned Sparrow

Steam Locomotive

Musconetcong River

No. It's not my driveway.

Tohickon Creek

"Autumn in Bucks County: Tinicum Park"



Pittstown Station (Lehigh Valley)

October's flow (EXPLORED)

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

Delaware at Durham

High Falls [07.06.19]

Alone with the Galaxy

Lake Nockamixon

Ringing Rocks Park

Ringing Rocks-2

River of Time and Space

Ringing Rocks Park

Tohickon Creek

Ringing Rocks Park

Backside of Lake Nockamixon Dam

Reflection on Thanksgiving

DSC_3158 - Placid