Treehopper - Atymna inornata 1c (female)

Leafhopper - Eratoneura confirmata 1a

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1a

Treehopper Cyrtolobus tuberosus 1a

Leafhopper - Menosoma cincta 1c (mating pair) (edit)

Leafhopper Texananus subgenus Iowanus 1a (edit)

Planthopper - Pintalia vibex (edit)

Beetle - Longhorned, Linden Borer Saperda vestita 1b (edit)

Planthopper Melanoliarus 1a

Leafhopper (Three-banded) Erythroneura tricincta

Leafhopper Arboridia diffisa

Beetle - Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator 2c (edit)

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1b

Beetle - Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator 2d (edit)

Beetle - Enoclerus quadrisignatus 1a

Leafhopper Eratoneura sp 1a

Treehopper Cyrtolobus pulchellus 1 (male)

Leafhopper Erythroneura cymbium 1a (edit)

Beetle - Enoclerus quadrisignatus 1b

Leafhopper Texananus subgenus Iowanus 1b (edit)

06386 Digrammia ocellinata - Faint-spotted Angle 1a


A Red Cedar on the Pinnacles

The Shelf

Silver Fork Creek

Grasses across a creek

The Pinnacles Trail

Silver Fork Creek Looking Towards the Pinnacles

Silver Fork Creek looking toward the Pinnacles

The Trail to the Pinnacles

The trail to the Pinnacles.

Natural Arch on the Pinnacles

The Pinnacles Trail

Golden Forest

Natural Arch on the Pinnacles

Awesome colors on the bike trail today...

Fallen Tree over Silver Fork Creek

Silver Fork Creek

Shelter Gardens IR

Close up of the shelf.

A Saddle Between two Pinnacles

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