Rear View Sunset

Taj Mahal

Golden Homecoming [EXPLORED]

Lake View

Beetle - Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator 2c (edit)

Treehopper - Atymna inornata 1c (female)

Soybean Harvest

Leafhopper - Menosoma cincta 1c (mating pair) (edit)

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1a

Planthopper Melanoliarus 1a

Treehopper Cyrtolobus tuberosus 1a

Leafhopper Texananus subgenus Iowanus 1a (edit)

Planthopper - Pintalia vibex (edit)

A View From Above

Old Hawthorne Clubhouse

Early Autumn Along County House Trail

Planthopper - Liburniella ornata (edit)

Homemade wall lamp, side view

Leafhopper Eratoneura sp 1a

Planthopper Melanoliarus 2b

Phillips 66 Gas Station


Interesting inflorescence, Explored (#144 for a while on July 17, 2014)

Electric Catwalk

The Magic Tree (Explored)

Moonrise ambiance


The Trail to the Pinnacles

Falls at Entrance to Devil's Icebox Cave

Golden Forest


The Pinnacles Trail

In and around Finger Lakes

Natural Arch on the Pinnacles

paved with good intentions

love for three...



Raised trails along the creek