Honeycomb Sunset

San Diego at Night

Full Moon over the Star of India

Surfs Up!!!!

Sea Shadows

As Above So Below

Pacific Ocean - Sunset!

Brown Pelican ~~~

Close to the edge

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

La Jolla, California

Before Sunset [HDR]

Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

Here is to New Beginnings in 2015! Happy New Year My Flickr Friends!

Horseshoes II

Wave Watchers

It is all Smooth Sailing in San Diego, California

Scripps Pier At Sunset

Washing Machine

San Diego County Fair

Sunset Cliffs Natural Park

Potholes on the Beach

La Jolla Sunset

Sunset OB Green

C h a s m s

Moon Landing

Morning Commute

Stormy Sunset La Jolla

Walk Along Sunset Cliffs

...find the bike

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

Aloe Vista

Cloudy Evening on the La Jolla Coast

unearthly landscape

Free Things to Do in San Diego Today

La Jolla Shores

Sunset Cliffs Revisited

Light Show Sunset Cliffs

Wind and Sea Beach, La Jolla

Drop It And Run

The Potholes