Into the night

Montana Roadside View

Plains, MT

Curving West

Sinuous Snaketail [ Ophiogomphus occidentis ] female

Sinuous Snaketail [ Ophiogomphus occidentis ] male

Plains, Montana 59859

Elevation is everything

Geep Paradise

Fog over the Clark Fork

A Wild J Train In Its Natural Habitat

Paradise Local

Reflections of Western Montana

MRL Gas Local

Pristine Pair

SD35s with Gas

Paradise Lost

Jimbo with a Caboose

Lolo National Forest

Day Gas

Gas Plains

Perma, MT

Bridge 208 and the Paradise local

2018-09-22 1340 MRL 4406 on Day Gas, Clark Fork River, MT

Paradise '45s

MRL Gas Local, Plains, MT

Montana landscape

BNSF MLAUPAS1-20 @ Paradise