Picture Frame

Cape Cod Railroad 1502 & 1201. 23.08.2010

A Bad Day To Wear Stripes-

View of the tidal river and coastal salt pond from Parkers River Bridge

Sandwich, MA.

Starboard View @hylinecruises

Nor'easter 2004

Kalmus Beach, Hyannis, MA

Dad looks at the marshland view from the end of the boardwalk.

Pay for view

View Through

Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod

in the harbor. . . .

Starboard View @hylinecruises

Rusty Blackbird

Guess where U.S.A.

Stormy Summer Sunday at Basshole

My view at 6:56 AM. #capecod #centerville

Sunset interupts the netting of shiners.

Our view during #dinner last night. #Horizons restaurant at the end of the #CapeCod Canal in #Sandwich #massachusetts #instatraveling #instagram #instalike #capecodlife #bestofcapecod #travel

Hyannis, Massachusetts

The Road Not Taken

walking the dog 7

Cape Cod beach - painting

Return to Hyannis after sunset

More Sandy Neck Light

Red Light

#morning #water #sky #light #nature #beauty #capecod #blue #spring #thaw #peace

Sandwich Beach Cape Cod 3

Dennis, Cape Cod Bay

Splash - 04

2013-01-02 14.59.21

Barnstable coastline

Splash - 08

2013-01-03 14.48.20

Walk to the Beach

Barnstable Harbor

Another one


Cape Cod 2016

2015-08-05 07.12.24 1

Thunderstorm clears.