Nor'easter 2004
Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod
After Peebles Elementary School Arbor Day Assembly, school children, GC members, parents , community leaders viewed Aptucxet junior gardeners plant 3 Catalpa saplings, assisted by historian John York
quiet day at the beach
Picture Frame
Cape Cod Railroad 1502 & 1201. 23.08.2010
Starboard View @hylinecruises
Kalmus Beach, Hyannis, MA
Hodge Podge to View the Bogs
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps) - Ipswich form - dorsal view
View Through
Town Neck Beach Salt Marsh, Cape Cod
A Bad Day To Wear Stripes-
in the harbor. . . .
Starboard View @hylinecruises
Scenic view of Barnstable Harbor
Rusty Blackbird
My view at 6:56 AM. #capecod #centerville
Stormy Summer Sunday at Basshole
Shawme Pond
Hyannis, Massachusetts
Bass Hole sunset
Barnstable Harbor
Sandy Neck Light
Red Light
Sandbar Town Neck Beach Cape Cod MA
Grey's Beach Estuary
2013-01-02 14.59.21
Cape Cod beach - painting
Walk to the Beach
2013-01-03 14.48.20
Return to Hyannis after sunset
More Sandy Neck Light
Another one
Bass Hole sunset
2015-08-05 07.12.24 1
Boardwalk and Marsh
Hyannis harbor
2010-07-22 18.27.17
2013-01-02 14.54.31