Storm at Sunset

Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

Fluffed up sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

Ring-billed gull, Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

Before it Rains

Mid-Columbia Day

Domestic goose, Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

Ring-billed gull, Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

Early Summer Sunset

Horn Rapids

desert brush

hill corner (2)

paint like view.IMGP3735

Wildflower Sunset Pano

a spot of shade

River Walk

Towering Desert Flowers

Roaster's Coffee, Pasco WA, lapoynte

After Sunset On Little Badger Pano

Senior Photo

Changing of the Seasons

Starting off the New Year III

Starting off the New Year II

Starting off the New Year I

Nobel Prize

Pasco Tower

Mother Nature: 1 Fence: 0

BNSF 3874 | GE ET44C4 | BNSF Pasco Yard

Last Sunset

Kiona Vineyards, Red Mountain, WA (Explore)

Mosquito Heaven

on stage. _H342263 (2)

autumn. _H173137

Sage Brush in Winter

Sage Brush in Winter