Storm at Sunset

Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

Fluffed up sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

Just Know You Meant More Than I Ever Could Want

Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis

She Wants To Touch Me. WOAH!

If you were driving a boat and all the wheels fell off, how many pancakes would it take to build a doghouse?

On Top of the World

Ring-billed gull, Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

In My Neighborhood, We'd Rather Look at the Sky

Mid-Columbia Day

Crazy Clouds

Before it Rains

Cable Bridge Mega-Pano

Yoda's Got Nothing on Me

Domestic goose, Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

hill corner (2)

Small Yard, Big View

paint like view.IMGP3735

The Path Home

Wildflower Sunset Pano

on stage. _H342263 (2)

Storming Sunrise II

Storming Sunrise III

Changing of the Seasons

autumn. _H173137

Starting off the New Year II

Starting off the New Year III

Starting off the New Year I

The flame instructs the insurance.

Pasco Tower

Storming Sunrise I [Explore 6/1/20]

Mother Nature: 1 Fence: 0

Last Sunset

Roots Run Deep

Kiona Vineyards, Red Mountain, WA (Explore)

Duck. _H198537

Young bird. _H511759

Sticking Around

Hill Side

desert brush

Solitude in the Farms