Iowa High Point View

Hawkeye Point, Osceola County (Iowa), 16 July 2007


Hawkeye Point, Osceola County (Iowa), 16 July 2007

The Mailbox Shot

Gas Station - Ocheyedan, IA

Grain Elevator - Ocheyedan, IA

Public School - Ocheydan, IA

Grain Elevator - Cloverdale, IA

Post Office & American Legion Post 496 - Bigelow, MN

Fire Station - Bigelow, MN

Grain Elevator - Ocheyedan, IA

Downtown Sibley, IA

Union Sibley, IA3

WWI Sibley, IA3

WWI Sibley, IA2

Max Sibley, IA4

Max Sibley, IA3

Grain Elevator - Allendorf, IA

Storefront - Allendorf, IA

Gas Station - Allendorf, IA

1890 Block - Sibley, IA

Downtown Block - Sibley, IA

Karras Building - Sibley, IA

Downtown Building - Sibley, IA

King of Grace Lutheran Church (Former) - Sibley, IA