JimF_09-14-12_0060a first one ropes the head other ropes a rear leg

JimF_09-14-12_0059a first one ropes the head other ropes a rear leg

JimF_09-14-12_0042a first one ropes the head other ropes a rear leg

Sunny Brook School (rear view) - Everly, IA

JimF_09-13-12_0051a nanny and kids

JimF_09-13-12_0063b chainsaw art

JimF_09-13-12_0045a little people looking at little cows

Tipsy House Okoboji Iowa


JimF_09-13-12_0031a Clay County Fair


JimF_09-13-12_0042a queued waiting to show

JimF_09-13-12_0055a two cuties at the fair

JimF_09-13-12_0025b waiting to show

JimF_09-13-12_0032a waiting to show

JimF_09-13-12_0022a queued waiting to show

JimF_09-13-12_0036a waiting to show

JimF_09-13-12_0050a king of the hill

JimF_09-13-12_0047a baby calves are cute

JimF_09-13-12_0057a first time at the fair

JimF_09-13-12_0016a waiting to show

Sunset at the boji.


Boating on West Lake with @jesslederman

March 24 - Thawing

Road to no where


Legendary Roller Coaster.

Emerson Bay sunrise

Promachus fitchii