Oltre le nuvole 2 - Over the clouds 2 (+1K views!!)

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813

Selvas del Irati

Collado Arbilleta - Explore Oct 12, 2011, best position #268

View from Arpea cave

Rugiada (+1K views!!!)

Glorious view and drying clothes at Kayola near Orrison

Selvas del Irati (Navarra)


Pyrenees view below Orrison

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813


Shoes with a view at Kayola

The view from the ridge road between aramits and Saint-Jean-de-Port

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813

London Underground Rave Party


Orhipean 2011 - Otsagabia

Orhipean 2011 - Otsagabia

Orhipean 2011 - Otsagabia

Orhipean 2011 - Otsagabia

Resistencia a la gravedad

Paz absoluta

Balcón a los Pirineos

Sin rastro

Sobre alfombra roja

Altitude #764 - Urkulu

Collado de Bentarte


El suave ascenso


Cromlech d'Occabe

Paisaje multicolor

El Haya de los 17 brazos

Llega la lluvia

Roncesvalles winter road, Navarre, Spain HDR

Subida a Zabaleta

En montant Roncevaux - Pyrénées

En montant Roncevaux - Pyrénées

Borda Xubri

Montée de Roncevaux - Pyrénées - France

Luces y sombras