Saint Jean Pied de Port

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813

Alba (+1K views!!!)

Elegante en blanc

Rio Errobi a su paso por Donibane Garazi / Errobi River where it passes through Donibane Garazi

El Errobi

Pyrenees view below Orrison

Le Tour de France virtuel - 64 - Pyrénées Atlantiques

Glorious view and drying clothes at Kayola near Orrison

Shoes with a view at Kayola

Rugiada (+1K views!!!)

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813

View from Arpea cave

St Jean Pied de Port

63 St. Jean-Pied-de-Port

Reflections on the river / La Nive

The view from the ridge road between aramits and Saint-Jean-de-Port


Donibane Garazi

Battle of Roncesvalles 1813

Fog comes slowly

Última postal

Roncesvalles winter road, Navarre, Spain HDR

St-Jean-Pied-de-Port II


Caminos del agua

Una tarde cualquiera

Camino a Orreaga

Le Pont Romain

Oltre le nuvole 3 (+1K views!!)

Cueva de Arpea

75-Soleil et ombres

20121008 40 154 Jakobus Berge Hügel Wolken Weg Weite

Montée de Roncevaux - Pyrénées - France

20121008 40 475 Jakobus Berge Hügel Wiese Weg Wolken

20121008 40 292 Jakobus Hügel Bäume Wolken

66-Sol y sombra

Collado de Bentarte

62-Jaune hiver


En montant Roncevaux - Pyrénées

49-Le ciel se couvre