Celle - Schloßpark (7)

Niedersachsenross / Saxon steed

Celle - Schloßpark (6)

Celle - Schloßpark (4)

Celle - Schloßpark (2)

Celle - Schloßpark (5)

Celle - Schloßpark (3)

Habe die Ehre! Mister Winter!

Neon-Kreuz / neon-cross

Celle Schlosspark / castle grounds (3)

Oberleitung / Overhead line

Window CE - Tweets

Blaue Stunde / Blue hour (2)

"Chef! Wir können anspannen." / "Boss! We are ready to Rudolph."

Aller - Allerlei (2)

der fliegende Teppich / the flying carpet

abgeschirmt / protect

cOol -84°C / -119,2°F - Flüssigsauerstoff / Oxygen (3)

Frühling im Winter / spring in winter


Celle Schlosspark / castle grounds

Wind goes through the landscape

sunset on the countryside

Celle Baumreihe

Celle (Germany) landscape

Morning between 06:00 and 07:00 in Beedenbostel by Celle_4

#feld #field #sky #himmel #bluesky #fall #autumn #herbst #mais #corn #iphone #iphone5 #snapseed #edited #filter #drama

nach dem Gewitter

Celle - Schloßpark (2)

#weide #wiese #meadow #herbst #fall #autumn #pferde #horses #horse #pferd #iphone #iphone5 #snapseed #filter #edited #sky #himmel #natur #nature

Green Grass

Morning between 06:00 and 07:00 in Beedenbostel by Celle_5

die Aller (3)

Celle - Hospitalwiesen (3)

Celle - Allerwehr (2)

Aller-Schleuse III