Griseargiolestes intermedius female wings

Omeo Main Drag

South of Benambra

omeo valley

View from Duncan and Di's site sheds

The New Cobungra Station Homestead

Cobungra Station Gate

Cows at Cobungra

Farmland near Omeo, Great Alpine Road, Victoria, Australia

Farmland near Omeo, Great Alpine Road, Victoria, Australia


Farmland near Omeo, Great Alpine Road, Victoria, Australia

Farmland near Omeo, Great Alpine Road, Victoria, Australia

Quintessential Australia

Oriental Gold Claims Historic Area

20140127_3121 Outside Omeo township

omeo township

Historic Omeo gold claims where hydraulic sluicing was used in the 1860s

Oriental Claims Historic Area, Omeo

Oriental Claims Historic Area, Omeo

Outskirts of Omeo

Omeo bairnsdale

Omeo bairnsdale

For @pipdevine

080105 Charlie Creek-Duck Point (8)