Blueberry fields, Diligent River, Nova Scotia.. Iscorama anamorphic

Blueberry fields, Yorke Settlement, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic

Young Banded Garden Spiders

Six Periwinkles, Two Islands, NS

Fundy Ocean Researach Centre for Energy (FORCE) aerial view

Fargo pickup truck, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

Took this morning with my iPhone

iPhone flare

Canon MP-E 65mm focus test

Fundy Ocean Researach Centre for Energy (FORCE) aerial view

Scotts Bay, NS (HDR)

Foggy Fundy

Evening Fishermen on Scotts Bay, NS

Red Head Point

Cobequid Mountains

Lookout on Long Island

And Another one Rides, and Another one Rides

View from the top of Harrington Falls

Low tide, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia...Iscorama anamorphic

Five Islands Lighthouse - The Arch

Five Islands Lighthouse

The last move?

Collecting Colour


Blueberry fields, Diligent River, Nova Scotia... Iscorama anamorphic.

Jodrey Trail

North River Falls and Summer Swimming Hole

Five Islands Lighthouse

Hidden Waterfall

Nothing Beats Camping

The beautiful Minas Basin off the the Bay of Fundy at low tide.

Lighthouse at Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

Five Islands, NS - HDR 3

5 yrs of ecol. succession in a #beaver pond. #Lodge remains, beavers upstream. #nature #NoWallsOutHere


Sunday on the Bay of Fundy

Parrsboro Lighthouse

Parrsboro NS