Red Head Point

Sea stack, Lower Economy, Nova Scotia

Six Periwinkles, Two Islands, NS

This is the view from the other side, Buttercup's not very happy with me tonight - she thinks I've been giving too much love to the rest of the crew

Lookout on Long Island

View from the top of Harrington Falls

Low tide, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia...Iscorama anamorphic

Red Head Point, Five Island Provincial Park

Five Islands Lighthouse - The Arch

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Lighthouse

Five Islands Provincial Park

The last move?

Low tide mud pattern, Bay of Fundy... Iscorama anamorphic.

Nothing Beats Camping

Approaching Storm, Five Islands, Nova Scotia Panorama

Moose Island

North River Falls and Summer Swimming Hole

Five Islands Lighthouse

Hidden Waterfall

The beautiful Minas Basin off the the Bay of Fundy at low tide.

Five Islands, NS - HDR 3

A Day at the Bay

Marsh grass in HDR


Five Islands Provincial Park

Sunday on the Bay of Fundy

Parrsboro Lighthouse

Parrsboro NS

Localized Rain

Parrsboro Lighthouse