Day 891: MilkyWay_7702


Mother's Day Tulip

View from the front of the Cottage

Coming Into Town

Through the Steam

Hobo Dreams

Sierra Dome Spider (Neriene litigiosa), male; Magra, Placer County, California; June 21, 2014

A White Picket Fence (HFF)

Old No.5

Spotted Pine Sawyer (Monochamus clamator)?; Macra, Placer County, California; June 28, 2014


Red-shouldered Hawk--Buteo lineatus

Nevada County 3-4 View

In the pines

Pelton Wheel

Steel & Wood

Greyhound 86316 dashboard/driver's compartment (MCI D4505)

A Peek Inside

Greyhound 86316 cab (MCI D4505)

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

South Fork Deer Creek Flow

Walking out on a Spring Day

Dreamy (HSS)

I wanna ride clouds. Especially pretty high clouds on a summer day ☁

Autumn Colors on Deer Creek

South Fork Deer Creek Falls

Falling Away

Making Ripples

Burlington Ridge Stream

Autumn Tree and Wooden Fence (HFF)

Steady as She Goes

A Morning Walk at Empire Mine (HFF)

Fall Kayaking for Life

Gold Rush Country

Flowing Waters

Morning Along the Bear River

Trees along the trail

Scotts Flat Lake
